Are you using the right internet connection?

“Are you using the right internet connection?”

Sounds a funny question right? But surprisingly it can make a massive difference in the cost of your internet service at home.

Generally people have 2 ways to connect to the internet in their homes.  The first is via wired internet using existing phone lines or the NBN.  This service is generally bundled with a home phone and provides access to large amounts of included data (100Gb, 1000Gb or even unlimited) for under $100 per month.

The second uses the mobile phone network accessed via your mobile phone or through a wifi dongle or data sim, commonly referred to as mobile broadband.  Speeds are often faster than wired internet but costs are vastly higher with 25Gb often costing around $150 for the year!

At Tech Home Help we offer an all round support service and fundamental part of this is our home bill check service where we review and tailor plans to suit our customers needs.

Unfortunately some Telco stores often mis-sell mobile broadband solutions to customers who don’t know the difference meaning that customers often pay way above what they should be.

Today I worked with a lovely couple in their sixties who were paying over $260 a month for their mobile phones and home internet.  Unfortunately for them they had been mis-sold mobile broadband when they should have received the cheaper wired option.   After understanding their issue it was clear that their internet provider had totally mislead them and deliberately sold them 2 mobile broadband Sim cards which they didn’t need and had never used.  Costing nearly $4000 over 24 months they had trusted the sales person and never doubted their advice.

I spoke to the network involved and engaged their complaints department where I successfully cancelled the two services, waiving nearly $1500 in cancellation fees and having nearly $2500 refunded into their credit card for payments made.

Having also restructured their mobile phone packages and Foxtel service they are now over $5000 better off!

If you’re paying more than $150 per month for your home phone, internet mobile and tv why not give Rick at Tech Home Help a call today!